A smaller group this evening but still a lot of working being done.
A damaged fridge (gas was removed previously) was dismantled as they are suppose to have a very strong vacuum pump.
Some fun with a small Passive Infra-Red Sensor getting it to work with the Raspberry Pi as part of a project for Halloween.
Custom paint work on toy ponies. Very interesting learning about mixing paints, colour matching and the world of customizing of toys. A handy tip. Covering your mixed paints with clingfilm will keep them liquid for quite a while. Really important if you have made up a batch of a custom colour.
There was the usual coding and computer hardware hacking. Including putting new heat sink compound on the processor of a laptop. Laptops are tricky beasts inside. Lots of small customer connectors and wires.
An ongoing build of a portable SNES emulator using a Raspberry Pi, USB gamepad and 7″ TFT screen designed for a care reversing monitor. Good fun playing with this and the games play great.