Our weekly members’ evenings continued with another varied range of projects, here’s some highlights from this week:

Matt, one of our director’s brought in a toaster that wouldn’t heat up. The label on the toaster happily announced that it was made in the UK by Michael and designed to be repaired.
Having helped out at a number of local Repair Cafe events Matt’s no stranger to repairs, so after a bit of investigation I’m happy to say that toast now is back on the menu!
Meanwhile one of our members Claire was experimenting with 3D printing for the first time:

The Thingiverse website provided a suitable model for printing (Barbie Doll Stand by Hemei – Thingiverse) using the space’s Delta printer. Of course 3D printing isn’t the fastest process ever so it’s good to have something else to do while you wait, in this case stitch the parts of a knitted hoodie together.
I was back to doing some slightly more mundane laser cutting this week after last weeks experiments (Shoes, Drawers, and Leaves). This time using up some scrap material to make some Meeple (gaming pieces shaped like little people).

As expected 3mm thick acrylic sheet works really nicely for this – it cuts quickly and cleanly and comes in a wide range of appealing colours. While the Meeple were thinner that the commonly used wooden ones they still stand up nicely but are probably best used lying down.
Thanks to Claire for many of the photos in this post.
Members’ evenings continue every Tuesday evening from 7:15pm, non-members can come and take a look at the space and what’s going on by prior arrangement.