Another great evening well attended with a couple of new people getting involved for the first time. Nearly every week new people are arriving who are interested in hacking and being part of the hackspace.
This evening a number of projects were being worked on:
- A new jig/template was being created to make building LED cubes easier. With a lot of cutting of wood, and drilling.
- Calibration and measurement of the HC-SR04 ultra-sonic distance sensor. Measuring tapes, code tweaking and graphs generated.
- Paper mache masks being fitted with eye lids and finalised. Can’t wait to see the final mask as it already looks amazing.
- Minimal Arduino Shrimp with LEDs. Imaging an Arduino with no breadboard/stripboard/pcb, but with external female connections and LEDs already in place. I know hard to image. Definitely need to take a picture and get a proper write up so this amazing piece of work can be seen.
- Trial build of the Hackspace kit for the Brighton Mini maker Faire on the 7th of September. One of the new attendees took the instructions and built the first half of the kit. Then we worked out where the instruction were wrong or not detailed enough to make it easy to follow them. A fair amount of time lost as pins attached to switches were left floating and so gave nice random inputs which confused the coder a bit. All sorted now and working perfectly.